
When silence is met, all noise must be conquered. The two cannot possibly survive in the same space; for a glass cannot be both completely empty and completely full. When a cacophony of sounds bombards ones ears in an almost overwhelming din, there simply can be no silence.

Than, when one seems to be suffocating in silence, no noise can exist for than it is not silence, but sound. But silence – it seems – is not as soundless as we always assume. For silence has the ability to scream and holler and whisper and gasp. It is in the silence   that we speak the most truth – with expressions and actions, observation and understanding.  Now whether that means that silence is simply impossible to achieve or that it is just a little louder than first imagined, is impossible to figure out.

So pause . . . can you hear that?


About tashhill

I am a rather eclectic (that's the nice way of saying completely and utterly insane) eighteen year old from Australia and I love everything about . . . well everything . Especially Women. Yeah, especially them. *Skeevey look* Sense is something I have little of and I am rather proud of my ability to memorise lyrics - a skill which is totally unappreciated BTW - and of my brains' capacity to compile rather astounding levels of useless information that no one cares to know. I'm oftentimes very long winded and opinionated about anything that catches my fancy (feel free to tell me to shut my trap.) Yeah, I'm done now. View all posts by tashhill

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